A Longer Ride
After we packed the trailer in Medora, we secured a campsite for the night in Casselton, ND, which is twenty miles west of Fargo. The ride was typical interstate travel with the temperature in the low 90s and high humidity.
Because we lost an hour going into the Central time zone, our coffee stop was also our lunch stop at a café. We shared a taco salad.
This is gross, but it’s real. The woman paying before us coughed all over the cash register – no mask, no tissue. She paid with cash. Beth paid with a credit card, used her own pen and kept her distance from the register.
Our campground is utilitarian. There are no trees, the sites are close together, and the roads and sites are all gravel. We were, however, able to use the canopy for the first time. Showers are in the Days Inn, which has a pool, but the fee to use the pool is $8 per person. I think we’ll just spend a little extra time in the shower.

We needed a few groceries. Beth walked to the Dollar General for a couple of things, then we rode downtown to the main grocery store. There was a car show downtown, so we had to ride outside the blocked off area and walk to the grocery. I snapped a few pictures along the way.

The high humidity makes riding more tiring. We were not happy campers. To brighten the mood, we went to the pub next door for a draft beer. The Angels-Twins game was on the TV behind the bar. We enjoyed watching the last two innings. (The home-team Twins lost 3-2.) By the time we got back to the camper the temperature had cooled enough for sleeping.
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