Avenue of the Giants
As I was hooking up the trailer this morning I discovered that three wires were pulled out of the connector. Apparently I unhitched yesterday without disconnecting the electrical plug. I taped up the bare wires as you can see below.

The camp host came by and told us the NAPA store was just seven miles north, so we made that our first stop. They didn’t have a 5-conductor plug, so I cobbled together a 4-conductor plug and a bullet connector.

I wrapped it all in self-fusing rubber tape. Everything worked, so we got on with our day.

Our plan for the day was to ride The Avenue of the Giants. This is a 31-mile stretch of CA-254 through Richardson Grove SP. The road winds through mile after mile of giant redwoods.

We stopped along the way to fix lunch and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

US-101 follows the coast starting at Eureka, CA. The temperature dropped to the low 60s as we rode through fog and occasional stretches of sunshine. At one turnout Beth was able to get a picture of the foggy shore.

We stopped for coffee at a McDonald’s, but their dining room was closed, so we had coffee at a Mexican restaurant next door.

We were parked in front of a Sportsman’s Warehouse. I’ve been wanting a knit cap to wear on cold nights and SW had just the thing for only $8.

While we were in the restaurant, Beth was able to get us a reservation at an RV park about 50 miles north. Klamath River RV Park is along the Klamath River, not far from the coast.

Beth fixed chicken and mushrooms with salad for dinner.

It was 56 degrees when we went to bed, so we put on extra layers and zipped up the sleeping bags.
We’ll get a late start tomorrow as US-101 a few miles north of here is closed from 8 a.m. to noon and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Another great update, it looks wonderful out there, so much space.