Blew the Wind Out of Our Sails
We were quite proud of ourselves this morning. We got on the road before 8 a.m.. The weather was sunny and and cool, but it warmed up quickly.
We decided to avoid the I-10 bridge over the Mississippi at Baton Rouge by going up and across on US-190. It was an experiment and the experiment revealed that US-190 is a road to avoid. There isn’t much traffic on it, but the road has not been maintained well. There are lots of frost heaves (heat heaves?) and the pavement is rough. We were glad to get off it at I-49.
We stopped for gas…

And we stopped for coffee.

A little farther down the road I decided to check the app for TPMS units we put on the trailer and my rear tire. They showed my rear tire was low at 20 psi. (Should be 40.) I didn’t believe the app – the tire looked fine this morning, but we pulled off at the next exit and checked the pressure. Sure enough it was 20 psi. I tried pumping it up with my air pump, but the pressure dropped lower. We tried to use the gas station air pump, but it was broken. (It looked as if it hadn’t worked in years.)

H.O.G. members have Roadside Assistance that pays for the first $100.00 of towing. We have purchased the unlimited towing option at $19.95 for the last 16 years. When I called RA they said they didn’t have a record of my latest payment and I’d have to pay everything over $100.00. The tow was going to be $300.00. I told them to go ahead and schedule the service and that I’d contact customer service separately. The first call was at 12:30 p.m. We pulled out our camp chairs and sat in the shade waiting for the next call. We posted our news on Facebook. Thanks to everyone who wished us well.

Oh, yes. We also had our picnic lunch, At 2:00 p.m. I got a text saying the tow was scheduled and gave me the name of the company. At 3:30 p.m. the tow truck drive called to say he got the notice 5 minutes before and couldn’t make the pickup.
I called the Harley dealer in Alexandria, LA. His driver had the day off. He tried to find a tow company but couldn’t find anyone available. We decided to stay the night at the Knights Inn next door. The Harley dealer driver will come get the bike in the morning.

The gas station, Sammy’s Truck Stop, has a casino and restaurant, so we had dinner at the restaurant. This evening I’m sorting through pictures and writing the blog while Beth is doing a quick load of laundry.
This is just a day in the adventure that comes with riding a motorcycle. We’ll get it sorted out in the morning and come up with a new travel plan.
What’s a Harley trip without a breakdown!
Sorry for your troubles. I know you’ll be back on the road in no time! Cheers
Yep. Got it fixed and pushed on.
Seems like there’s is a shortage of workers everywhere