Breakfast With a Long-Time Friend
The fog comes
Fog by Carl Sandburg
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
When we uncovered out bikes this morning we discovered that kitty had come in to inspect them while we slept.

The highlight of the day was to ride into Bozeman to have breakfast with my friend, Sandy. We’ve known each other since 4th grade when we started classes at the Children’s Theatre of Western Springs. We had such a good time catching up and solving the world’s problems we neglected to take any pictures. You’ll just have to imagine a conversation with one of your friends you’ve known for a long time.
I did take a picture in the parking lot before we met.

Next on the agenda was to return to our Bunk a Biker host’s home and pack our stuff and connect the trailer.
From there we went to the Harley dealer to have my bike checked. I heard a whirring sound in the turns on the day before. I wanted to know if the front wheel bearings needed to be replaced – they did. The main source of the noise, however, was the cupping of the rear tire. They replaced the rear tire as well. (Sound familiar?)

One of our readers mentioned that a fellow Motor Maid, Cindy, has a “mini campground” in Billings. Beth contacted her and she invited us to stay in their motor home. We rode through some rain and heavy cross-winds on our way to Billings. I had to slow down to 55 or 60 to keep everything on the road. It was sunny and hot, however, by the time we got to Billings.

Cindy and Brentley took us to dinner at a downtown restaurant, The Burger Dive, that specializes in hamburgers. Beth and I shared the “I’m Your Huckleberry Burger.” Of course we also had a great time telling stories of motorcycle trips we’ve been on.

Tomorrow – North Dakota?
Best wishes for continued safe travels!
Thanks, Scott.
What a fantastic trip. Really enjoy your daily posts.
Thanks Jean. We are enjoying not having a fixed itinerary.
Carry on my friends. I’m following you like a little lost puppy. LOL