Heat and Headwinds
We woke early and enjoyed some quiet time in the yard.

Shannon fixed us coffee and a great breakfast sandwich. I asked Tom to pull the trailer to the highway, because I didn’t want to fishtail in the sand and drop the bike.

Mid-morning we found a cafe and stopped for coffee. We even found easy parallel parking.

Be sure to stop at Jeri’s Cafe if you are ever in Kingman, KS. Beth found a park in Greensburg, KS for our lunch stop.

I noticed grease all over the right trailer wheel. I opened the rubber boot and verified that there was plenty of grease in the Bearing Buddy.

After lunch we soaked our cool vests. We had to stop and soak them a few times as it was 105 degrees all afternoon. This was a beautiful rest area just over the Colorado border from Kansas.

Our hosts for the evening were Andy and Dianna. Andy has a towing company. I rolled the trailer into Andy’s shop and we set about trying to determine why the Bearing Buddy was leaking. It looked like there was a pinhole in the rubber cap.

Andy took me to the Napa store to get a replacement. The one we bought was not the right configuration, so we put the old one back on and I’ll deal with it later.

We went to dinner with Andy and Dianna, then got a motel room for the night. It was just too hot to camp. The forecast says the high will be 72 in 4 days. We just got to Lamar too early.
350 miles for the day.
I can’t take the high temps like I used to grew up in southern az past 20 years been in Ohio and wv
Good to hear you’re moving along ok. It’s been raining here all week.
I look forward to your posts. Seems you are dealing with all the elements. Good job on finding the tire. Reminds us all to be proactive. Continued wishes for clear sailing.