Admin Work and Fun Ride
Saturday, 8/19 – Billings, MT
Beth and Cindy spent the weekend in Gillette, WY, doing the “Get to Know Wyoming Ride” with Motor Maids from Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, and Illinois.

The ride was a loop that included Spearfish Canyon, SD, and Devil’s tower.

There were 23 motorcycles ridden by 17 Motor Maids and 6 “security (a.k.a. spouses).

When I got up and came outside today, I found Squeeky enjoying the comfort of the seat on my bike.

Brentley, neighbor Dave, and I went to breakfast at La Tinga, their favorite Mexican restaurant. The three of us attempted to open the fill plug on the differential, went to Harbor Freight to buy bought hex sockets, and abandoned the effort when we determined the plug had an internal torx head. Access to the plug was very limited.

I spent the rest of the time catching up with household administrative work on the computer.
Sunday, 8/20 – Billings, MT
Beth and Cindy returned from Gillette, arriving about lunch time. Beth’s air cleaner has been spitting out oil. I cleaned the air filter in the hope of reducing the problem.
Monday, 8/21 – Billings, MT, to Bismarck, ND
This leg of our journey was 417 miles on I-94. We had to stop every 100 miles because my bike got about 20 mpg pulling the trailer at 70 mph. After the first 100 miles I slowed a bit and the mileage improved.
Our first gas stop was in Forsyth, MT. Beth texted Lynne that we were in the town where they camped last night. They determined we were behind them on the same highway.

We stopped for lunch at a park in Glendive, MT.

The park has a few elm trees. They aren’t in great condition, but they remind me of the elms that lined the town I grew up in.

The town also has a street sweeper. It’s been ages since I’ve seen one at work.

Mid-afternoon we ran into fog. We needed to put on another layer of gear, so we pulled over in a scenic overlook. Who should we see parked ahead, but Lynne and Mike also heading toward home after spending some time with their son and his family in Washington state.

We rolled into Bismarck about 6 p.m. and checked into our hotel. What a shock it was to discover that the hotel has hot water heat and the heat is not on. They did give us a space heater.
Tomorrow we go to Minneapolis.
Yes – we’re having a great time.
What a fun trip you guys are having, thanks for bringing me along.
You’re welcome. Thanks for checking in.