Short Day Turned Long
We’d been thinking about mailing home a few things we don’t need. This morning we decided to gather them up and send a package home. The blue jeans I’ve been wearing are too bulky and heavy, so I bought some wash slacks at Walmart. We didn’t need all the Sena parts I removed and excess pieces from the new Cardo Units.
It’s always a relief to find parallel parking on the street, and we found two spaces parallel parking near the post office!

We planned to go to Moab, check in at the campground, and go to Canyon Lands National Park. The route to Moab was only 97 miles, so we thought we’d have plenty of time in the afternoon. At the campground Beth noticed on of the trailer tires needed to be replaced. When we checked, both of them were bald.

The better tire is on top in the picture. Those are load range B tires; I replaced them with load range C.

Beth spent the afternoon at the campground reading and drinking water while I went to get 2 new tires. The temperature was over 100 degrees in the shade.

You can tell from the picture the tires wore unevenly. What you can’t see is all the axel grease on the inside of one of the tires. We’re going to take the trailer to the tire store so they can check the axel for alignment and the wheel bearings for wear.
Beth fixed the chicken and vegetables leftovers for dinner. I set up the tripod for a selfie.

And here I am working on the blog.

The sun is setting and the temperature is dropping. It should be comfortable sleeping weather tonight.
Tim, great update, glad you’re experiencing all the everyday stuff that we all do, keep them coming, it’s a great insight into long distance travel.
Frank Delacoe
Yeah. But it’s a DRY HEAT! Do you guys have/use those evap vests you can soak with water? I used one many years ago and it’s still hanging in the closet. Doesn’t do much good in Florida but out West they work well. Just have to stop often enough to keep them wet, which is probably a good idea in that kind of heat. Safe travels and hope things go smoother from this point onward!
Yes. We have been using evaporative vests out here for years. They work very well.