The Fourth
With the everything packed, a full tank of gas, and fresh rubber on the trailer, we set out for Oakland, CA. Our first stop, however, was at the UPS store to send a few things home.
While Beth was in the store sending the package, I checked the tires. Wouldn’t you know it, the tire store did not install the rubber caps on the Bearing Buddies correctly. One of them was leaking grease. The other wasn’t leaking, but it was improperly installed.

We took NV/CA 88 over the Sierras. This is a beautiful highway without much traffic. There were plenty of turnouts and passing lanes where we could let fast traffic pass us.
We stopped a couple of times to take pictures.

We found a nice shady spot at a Walmart for lunch.

Once we got down to flat land, we took County Road J12 across the state. We passed a few orchards and miles and miles of vineyards. Traffic thickened as we made our way south on busy highways.
The path up the steep hill in Oakland to our niece’s home was a bit hairy, but we made it and gave the bikes and trailer a comfy rest in the garage.

The tire pressure in all the tires was lower than it was in Gardnerville, so I pumped them up. After a day they are holding steady. I’m guessing the drop in altitude affected the pressure. I’ll be checking the tires every day for awhile.
Our niece’s home has a view of San Francisco Bay and a lovely garden.

We spent the day relaxing and reading the New York Times.

You may be able to see the hummingbird in this photo.

Tomorrow we will start our journey north.
Very nice
Very scenic part of the country, more to come up north. It’s going to feel cool here compared to the heat there. Not much happening with the weather yet, barely a breeze this morning.