Our First Day Back on the Road
Summer Travels 2022 is officially underway. We started the “final” packing last night. We kept finding things to add to the collection. We’ve packed more clothes than last year, so we had to do some rearranging.

We managed to get the bikes arranged so we could open the trailer.

The first issue of the trip happened this morning. The power station has to be put in always-on mode so it doesn’t turn off automatically when the refrigerator cycles off. I didn’t realize something inside keeps running after you turn the unit off. The battery was depleted this morning, so I had to charge it enough to get it working. I connected it to the solar panel to continue charging it and to run the refrigerator. Issue resolved.

After everything was packed, I checked the tongue weight – 42 lbs. Very good. The trailer tracked perfectly all day.

I hooked up the trailer and we checked it. Beth reported that one of the four brake lights on the trailer is not coming on. (It was working during the second shakedown cruise.) All tail lights and turns signals are good.

The departure pic…

The morning coffee break…

Lunch at a rest area in the Big Bend region of Florida. The last time we stopped here it was pouring rain. No rain today, thankfully.

The refrigerator is working great!

Our afternoon coffee break. We have time to kill before we go to our Bunk-a-Biker host, so I’m working on this post.

When it was time to leave, we packed up our stuff and then realized there was a line of showers about to cross our path.

We couldn’t out-run it, so we waited it out in a shopping center.

After the front passed, we rode the last 35 miles in the rain. We’ve had a good time chatting with our hosts and all our gear is drying out.
We head to northern Tennessee tomorrow.
Go with God.
Following your travels. Have a blessed and safe trip!
Have safe summer travels.
Have a wonderful trip. Can’t wait to read about your progress!! Safe travels!!
I started my travels with a trip to the Tennessee motorcycle music revival at Loretta Lynn’s Ranch. It was a very chill bike rally was not super crowded and the music was great.
Safe Travels guys… Have an awesome time!!
I have just read your first post. I will be traveling vicariously through you and wish you many safe and happy miles. God speed.
good luck and safe travles.
Enjoy the blog! Have a safe trip.