North to Visit Friends
It was 53 degrees when I woke up this morning. Our new sleeping bag for 2 is OK, but we’ll need warm jammies if we encounter any colder nights.
Beth fixed one of our “normal” breakfasts this morning starting with pour-over coffee.

Turkey bacon…

“Fake” eggs…

And, of course, the dishes needed to be washed.

Our morning coffee break was in a restaurant at a truck stop. I remembered to check the oil in the bikes, but forgot to take a picture.
Lunch was at a rest stop at the top of Iowa. As we pulled in we realized we had stopped at this rest area last year on our way home.

We arrived at our friends’ home late afternoon. After Beth’s bike cooled down, I changed the oil and filter, which completes the repair.

From the back deck this evening, a sliver of moon, setting sun, and the peepers are calling for a mate on the pond across the way.
