Update – Recovery 7 – Blah Day
I had dinner with Beth last night and afterward we played Gin Rummy.

Beth did not feel well last night and today. I’ll skip the details. She skipped therapy and received some treatments. She should feel better tomorrow.
I was with her all day and met with the doctor and the case manager. The big medical review meeting is tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be a new day.
Keep the faith that you can both go home soon!
A blah day, well you are entitled to have a few. Hope the doctors decide the way you two would like them to.
Have to love her smile. Stay strong better days are coming
Strong on, they say, (Janna Vorontsova) my friend, Beth and you Tim. There will be blah days..but you are seeming better and I know you want to go home!!@
Keep your chin up Beth, and remember there are so many friends pulling for you!! Homeward!!
Hang in there guys!! Please tell Beth that the IREP group at the PRO has her in their thoughts and prayers!! All the Best!!
Hope you are feeling better tomorrow. Maybe the meeting will offer something to be happy about.