Update – Recovery 10 – Quiet Days
Beth had no PT or OT yesterday or today. She was tired yesterday and dozed most of the day. I had dinner with her and we played a few hands of Gin Rummy.
I forgot to mention that Beth has been allowed to move around on her own for the past several days. She can go to the bathroom and to meals or outside. Yesterday she sat outside for a half hour and read.
Here’s today’s status from Beth:
Today is a rainy day in Billings, Montana, so there’s not much for me to do in terms of going outside and enjoying the sunshine. I thought I would bring you up to date on progress. I’ve been doing well in PT and OT. I still have pain and discomfort in the pelvic region, but it’s not keeping me from doing my exercises and getting out and about here at the rehab center. I propel myself in my wheelchair mostly by going backwards. It would be great if I had a rear view mirror, but I don’t go that fast, and people generally give me a heads up if they’re behind me. As you can imagine, institutional food sucks. I’m generally a good eater, but I didn’t have much appetite here until 2 or 3 days ago. I’m trying to stick with things that are not much overcooked, like fruit, salad, plain meat, oatmeal, Chex cereal, etc.
My mom sent me three dresses to wear. They’re button up, functional, but not very sexy. In other words, great for my condition.
I really appreciate your continued warm thoughts and concern for my progress. The doctor today indicated he was pretty sure he’d be able to send me home sometime this week. I look forward to having you visit me once I am settled in and have reestablished a routine.
Here Beth is motoring down the hall to dinner.

PT, OT, and administrative work resumes tomorrow.
Even though we’ve not met, I think of you so often & pray your mending continues at high speed…NOT dangerous high speed…(Tim & I were at LT together).
Thanks, Barb!
Keep up the progress! Soon you’ll have a Happy
Homecoming! Gentle hugs,
Beth, You r the answer to many prayers!! I’m so glad to hear that you are getting to go home soon – that will help you continue to heal quickly. Hugs & prayers Continued. Wanda
Hey Beth… So nice to hear about your recovery & extremely happy to hear you may be on your way home this week.
Hang in there… Hope to see you soon!! All the BEST!! Lloyd
Glad to see the progress. Frankie and I have been keeping track via Tim’s updates. That’s Awesome you might be getting to go home!
Continued healing prayers!
Jay and Frankie
You need a motor on that chair! Love seeing that smile even if it is a little forced!
Keep it up!! Home stretch… Literally!!😎