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Beth here. Before Tim gets going, I’d like to thank everyone for their care and concern. Despite the extent of my injuries, the physical and occupational therapy prepared me well for continued recovery, non-narcotic medication keeps the pain at bay most of the time, and I really only have discomfort in the center right part of my back when I lie down/sleep. The trauma sounds far worse than I actually am feeling.
BLOG: Our journey home began Thursday the 24th, when the medical escort, Kerri Lynch, flew to Billings to meet with the hospital case manager and Beth. Kerri had a medical device to check Beth’s vital signs and reported her progress to the insurance company by text many times throughout the journey. Her presence was essential in making everything go smoothly.
We left for the Billings airport before noon on Friday. One thing Kerri did that was crucial, was show Beth how to get in and out of the Escalades that transported us to and from the airports.

Kerri managed checking in at the airport, checking in at the gates, and managing her medications. There are many details she handled that made the trip so easy. Beth was comfortable throughout. If you travel abroad, please be sure to get travel insurance; the benefits you receive if you are sick, injured, or delayed far outweigh the cost.

For the last week, many airlines had been reporting multiple delays and cancellations, which was in the back of our minds; however, both legs of our flight were on time; the entire process went very smoothly. We were tired, but happy to get on the people mover at the Tampa airport.

We got home Saturday morning around 1:30 a.m. A couple of neighbors were waiting for us and welcomed us home. They stocked the fridge with plenty to get us through the first couple of days. Flowers and cards were waiting for Beth as well. We drifted off to sleep around 2:30 a.m.
The living room was set up for Beth. The hospital bed is OK, but the mattress is cheap. The wheelchair is just right for getting around. Our neighbor built a ramp to the garage access door so Beth can go outside without assistance.

As you can see from the photo, Beth can manage meal prep and all essential chores. I’m the sous chef, go-fer, and chauffer. Sunday we successfully managed going to church and to Lowes for a little shopping.
Beth has another 7 weeks of no-weight-bearing. She welcomes a call, text, zoom, or visit to help break the boredom.
So glad to see you back home be Beth. Home makes everything better. 🙏🙏🙏
Prayers answered!😎
Yea!!! So happy to see this!!
Ok, here is the bad news. I am sure your helmet hit the ground, which means it has done it’s one job and is done. You cannot find any more Shoei Neotecs. Even finding a Neotec2 can be difficult. The bad news is, the Neotec2 does not come in Yellow :-(. For my new bike, I ended up with a flat black one in XL. My good news is, I bought it at the dealer and got my HOG 10% discount. Nobody has discounts on Shoei anymore. When I broke my shoulder, the best part of PT was when I could stand the bike up on my own. That told me I was very close. It sounds like you have a ways to go to get that far, but it is an intermediate goal to aim at. Good luck from another Tim
SO GLAD TO SEE YOU HOME… SAFE & SOUND!! You have a lot of folks still sending prayers up on your behalf!
Please take care… Hope to see you soon!!! All the Best to you and Tim!!
I am so, so happy to see your trip home was successful and you look amazing. Get well soon is kind of a blank statement but meant with full on wishes.